Macbook screen replacement

09/01/2018 - Services for foreigners

 Macbook screen replacement

Your Macbook touch screen is broken!!! What a nightmare ?

The cracks on your screen are so annoying. You need to get a new Macbook screen but wondering where is the best place in Hanoi. Give Laptop repair 24h a visit and you will never regret.

We offer all laptops parts for your business and individual Laptop needs and have done for 6 years. Of course Macbook screen is on the list. We provide brand product from Apple to meet your requirement.

Most of Apple's products use their own designs components from the tiny screw to the keyboard. To dissemble the Macbook and replace parts of it might need some special tools or the knowledgeable on the products.

Laptop repair 24h has everything we need to get the job done. You might need our assist when it come to both soft or hard problems with your screen.

Macbook screen appears strange images is a sign that it need to be  replaced

Let's have a look on some common Macbook screen problems

  • There are some white or blue line appear on the screen

  • The pictures are blur or the screen has small dots, could be grey, white

  • There are dead spots on the screen.There are parts of the screen won't show images

  • There is no light or only one color appear on the screen

Our fast and effective skills will show in 3 steps:

Step 1: Check on your Macbook screen: we will give your macbook a thoroughly examination for all the problem it may have. Consider which problem is the most critical and give you the most effective, fast solution.

Step 2: After get the approval from you, we will start the replacement. All of this process will be observed by customer, we can explain and give advice for you on how to get the best our of your Macbook.

Step 3: We put everything back on and give it the final test. When we are certain every problem is solved. We will give it back to you

Good prices, fast and effective service are what you’re gonna get from Laptop repair 24h

Call us and experience our service today. We are more than pleased to be at your service

Hotline: 1800 6024 - Phone: 083 865 8866
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